Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Would you even bother attending a camp or prospect day if the school-who you have sent film to and have touched base with at the appropriate times in the process (not being overbearing) has not peeped at your highlight video or even your profile?

I think the answer is yes but I would also be curious to hear what other think.

The D1 coaches are calling names from the top recruiting showcases. Most top schools are looking at videos but only interested in the big boys. D2 schools are interested in anybody, and D3 doesn't really care until year 2022.

There is no set answer and each kid takes a different path. For example, my older guy plays d1 and got many calls September 1 of his junior year. His calls ranged from top d1 to probably top 35 lacrosse schools. Funny that he got no calls from lower level d1. In fact as time went on and he got more calls from d1 very few were from lower level schools. I bring this up because he never emailed lower level schools. So email contact is very important. Also, he went to only three individual college prospect camps. The rest he relied on showcases where there were many schools and club recruiting tournaments. When talking to coaches they seemed to have seen him at top recruiting showcases and club tournaments. I will say although he did get offers from many schools where he did not attend their prospect camp some of those schools asked why he never attended even though he was invited. My advise would be go to showcases where your target schools and many other coaches are at and only target a handful of individual camps. If he is not getting looks or calls you need to get to showcases where there are a lot of coaches to see him. If they like him they will either overlook that he did not go to the prospect camp or tell him to go to the prospect day at some point.

My son had an injury so unfortunately missed the entire summer. He is now completely recovered and is signed up for a few showcases this Fall. One of the showcases is invite only and there will be a lot of coaches in attendance. What is the protocol for these showcases, should he email the coaches of schools he’s interested in beforehand to ask them to give him a look? If he plays well is it possible that coaches he didn’t reach out to beforehand would reach out to him? How proactive do you need to be?

Also, are these school prospect days just a money grab or do colleges actually scout the kids who show up seriously? My son was invited to a couple of big showcases over the summer that he couldn’t attend and now he gets email blasts from tons of schools to attend their prospect days (I’m assuming they got his info from these showcases but I guess it could come from somewhere else).

Any legit feedback would be helpful since we’re from a non lacrosse hotbed and my son left his club team so we’re doing this a bit on our own (my son blamed the head coach for his injury during a meaningless spring scrimmage, whether it really was the coach’s fault or not doesn’t matter bc my son is convinced he wasn’t looking out for his best interests and wouldn’t play for him again).

Your last paragraph is concerning. A coach set up a scrimmage to continue to develop your son and give him more game experience. Your son got hurt during that and it was the coaches fault? Would it have been the coaches fault if it was a tournament? He could have opted out of the scrimmage if it was beneath him. Sounds like your kid has some growing up to do.

That being said he needs to market himself. Send videos to schools he is interested in. He should attend prospect camps at schools on his list or showcases that have a lot of coaches attending. He should be prepared for questions about his injury and why he left his club. We are relying on connections that our club coach has and have him listed as a contact. College coaches want kids who are coachable. They will talk to the club coaches. Burning a bridge at this point in the game probably wasn’t a god idea. Life lesson for your kid.