Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
If you only watched the Hawks play once all weekend, then you missed a good team with very good players. The Eclipse and Hawks game was a great semi-final. The Hawks are ON AGE 12-13 year olds. STOP MAKING STUFF UP. There is only ONE player which could maybe be called what you say is a "holdback". Don't make things up and bash a team that you watched once while they were playing their 4th game of the day against a rested Long Island 91 team that was playing its 3rd game. Great way to line up a tournament by the way. The Hawks lost that game at the face off X, and hardly had possession. 91's FO guy was as big as any kid on the Hawks. You beat a completely gassed Hawks team, congrats, good luck at the U-13 Jake Steinfeld Bowl in Denver.

You can bash MD lax all you want, but DONT lie and make things up about a team you know absolutely nothing about.

Ok. My bad. You have only one single holdback. Great. Then we’ll see you in Denver at the WSYL. NOT! Holdback teams don’t qualify for the WSYL now do they? NOW YOU STOP MAKING garbage UP, CHEATER TRASH!

Your little high school team was the talk of the tourney. Everywhere I went, I heard people talking about how very over the top that cheater team was. The elephant in the room! Disgraceful!!!

FYI crybaby cheater dad. Pack played the 2nd best team in the tourney right before playing your horrendous team. Right before that they played the 3rd best team. Eclipse is a mediocre team at best. Although when playing the Hawks I’m sure it felt insurmountable.

Hawks should be banned from the 7th grade bracket on a tournaments. Utterly disgraceful!

Let’s look at it this way, MD cheater trash. Since the hawks don’t have enough on age players to go to the WSYL, what is that really telling us? Let’s say the hawks have 25 kids on the roster. They need 15 on age kids in order to have enough kids to play in Denver. But they obviously don’t have 15 on age players, or they would be going. That means that 11 or more players are holdbacks. So let’s be crazy kind here and say 11 kids are confirmed holdbacks. It’s probably more, but let’s use that as the minimum, just because I’m a nice guy. How many players actually touch the field in competitive games? I’m going to give you the answer. It’s 13. Ok. A little quick math here. This means that only 2 on age hawk players touch the field in any given competitive game. My example, as we know, is ultra conservative, and the real number is probably more like one or none. But best case scenario for the hawks is only 2 on age players actually play. There you have it, Chester trash. Indisputable evidence that the hawks play exclusively cheater holdback kids. You proud of that, cheater? How you sleep at night, knowing that you are teaching your kid to be a cheating DB in life. Great job daddy-o. Would you like to respond to my very simple logic? I seriously doubt you will, because you have no logical leg to stand on, my little cheater hold back parent. Whatcha got??

Unhinged to say the least, much like the FF LI dad who for the second tourney in a row decided that screaming "WSYL" at 13 yo kids is the right way to represent your club and the sport. At least be a man and approach a parent with that pathetic stuff. I am sure you will have a receptive audience.

To your post, it is actually not simple logic, simple minded logic perhaps. There is one huge assumption you make to get to your factually incorrect point and that is that every holdback will be in your magic "13" number (a number that can be debated along with your "15" for the WSYL). This is completely false and kills your entire argument. Once again you have no idea the ages of the kids on the teams or in that "13" no matter what bizarre logic you use. So it is not "indisputable evidence" at all. You can keep posting the same factually wrong rant on every MD team every time. As my kid said to me about the WSYL screamer, "that dude is sad".

And by the way how do you sleep at night knowing that you are teaching your kid to be a lying, whinny DB in life, well done papa.