Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
I think the jist of the post it was that the top D2 and D3 schools are committed to winning and put all the effort in to be contenders year in and year out just like top D1 programs (within the rules set fro D2 and D3) but if you don't think the top schools are bending rules with weight training and captains practices you are kidding yourselves. The same D2 and D3 schools are at the top just like UNC and Maryland are in D1.

As far as the perks and swag, that really has nothing to do with the play on the field

Swag is meaningless. I'm talking about the fact that these top D1 teams have staff on hand who's sole job is to find paid summer internships for the players. Have a separate staff member that is solely responsible for assisting in finding team members jobs post college. The academic support available at these schools is heads and shoulders above their D2/D3 peers as well.

There are some great schools that play D3 lacrosse. Tufts for instance is one of the best schools in the country. There is a place for everyone pretty much. Kids should do what makes the most sense for them. But the experiences are completely different. I've had kids at both.

I'd be interested in those schools where the team finds you a job post college because all the big name girls from our town are back living with their parents and are assistant HS coaches for $3k a year and still coaching summer lax because they don't have JOBS!!! We also know of 1 who is going back to school to be a nurse because the coach preferred she took an team approved major. It all depends on the school and what you are trying to get out of it.

I do not know what rock you are living under but all schools help students find jobs not just lacrosse players. "The team" does not find kids jobs but schools help and have career centers. The finals this year was Yale over Duke not a lot of future unemployment checks on that roster. If you know a few girls living at home and are assistant coaches for $3k that is by choice. They are probably going to grad school. Unemployment is at an historic low. Lacrosse can be a means to get access or early looks to a school that is very competitive in admissions. Other than that, it is a great activity for college and should be no more or no less.