The following article is replayed from our sister soccer site, Back of THE NET. This exchange discusses the concept of a post-graduate year. With institutions such as Deerfield offering post-graduate years for fees in excess of $30,000.00 per year, BOTC similarly questions the value of a post-graduate year. BOTC welcomes opposing views.

Originally Posted by BoardLord
Originally Posted by Anonymous
What is anyone's opinion on a Postgraduate Year.
BOTN has seen a post-graduate year (also referred to as 13th Grade) used to have potential Ivy League sports recruits (specifically lacrosse from BOTC) work for an extra year on High School studies in order to be prepared for the rigors of college on a student-athlete basis. Recognize that a post-graduate year is not a free-offer like High School; expect some fairly serious costs that might well eat through most of the "free money" that would be secured from the athletic scholarship.

Those who advocate a post-graduate year would argue that the recruits are getting into a collegiate setting beyond what they otherwise would have achieved. BOTN counters this point by asking a very simple question : If the student-athlete can buckle down in a pay-for-play (and study) 13th grade, why aren't they getting that same push and direction in their junior and senior years when they are being recruited?

Think about it.