Originally Posted by Anonymous
Unfortunately, "go to goal" is what girls lacrosse has become. It's an awful game to watch. There is no team play anymore. Clubs want wins. Plain and simple. And when there's literally nothing stopping a girl from running right to the cage and shooting, coaches and teams are rewarding that behavior. As much as it may pain those of us who love the look and style of "real" team lax, we need to tell our daughters that if they want to score, or be noticed, then they need to become more of a ball hog and take it to the net. It's a shame, but no one notices the girls who grind it out, scoop gb's, cause to's or pass to the open girl. Those team players get the shaft because everyone talks about the girl who puts her head down and closes her eyes while running through 3 girls to get the free possession. The only way this will ever stop is if girls are called for charging, and we know how often that happens... never!

I say put them in gear and let them check those sticks more freely. That will stop it. Other than that, the only option is to teach your girl to go to abandon the team and attack the cage with True wreck less abandon.

I completely agree. Girls lacrosse in it's current state is sad. No teamwork. All go to goal mentality. Parents support it and feed it. Even in their interaction with other parents and the coaches. Me me me. Many of the girls who are successful are selfish and where did they learn that? Their parents. So all the pettiness comes from them and is exhibited on the sidelines as well as the field. Girls lacrosse is the cesspool of the lacrosse world.

Now to the second part of the original post. You don't see nearly as much of the terrible behavior on the boys side. Barreling through 3 boys to get to the cage will get your son crushed and possibly (hopefully not) injured. Team play is a requirement because otherwise the players get HURT. Boys learn quickly that having the ball in their stick is not always a good thing. Many (but not all) parents encourage their boys to move the ball. The parents generally get along and there is a sense of team that extends not only with the players but the parents themselves. Overall, a much nicer environment.

So then the question - why two sports? The ice hockey ladies seem to manage with the same equipment and similar rules. Or even if you can't support that idea, why not let the girls at least stick check when they start playing in 2nd grade so girls learn to move the ball at an early age.