Originally Posted by tennesseejed
Here's one for you guys to chew on:

What does the B kid need to do to make the A team--politics aside? How does a kid that is one of the better B team players make the jump to A? Does he need size, speed and great lacrosse skills? What happens if he's average size for his grade, yet has really good stick skills and can play attack, midfield?

What are the things that set an A player apart from a B player? What are the things that need to be done at tryouts in order to convince Chanechuk or Spalinna that the kid should make the team? What does it take to make Anthony Alexander's eyes and ears perk up and get noticed? 2-3 goals and 1-2 asssts in the scrimmage at tryouts?

I know that 60-70 percent of making an elite can be political. Either a kid is coming form the 4-5 traditional lacrosse towns or his father/uncle was a D1 stud and therefore is a known quantity. Are A teams usually 10 stud players with another 10-12 kids that are good but not great? Do clubs just take kids that fill a need or do they take the best kids available?

I know that club season has not even started yet, but it is never too late to get better. I would love to hear any and all replies.


Concerned Daddy

I am not sure if this is classified as political but not meant to be.

I think a good way to get a look is by attending clinics these guys or their coaches/friends are at. I say attend not to line pockets but to show what you can do. It will cost $$ but one it will get you noticed and help you get better.

but do not just attend any clinic, attend clinics the better or best kids attend. Try a clinic an age up.

List some quality clinics you know off, personally, If you see a clinic by (sorry if any spelling errors) Cromwell, Keenan, Lynott you do not think twice.

After a few minutes at these clinics you will know if you belong or if you will get better if you stick with it. It takes sacrifice it doesn't come with out a cost.

IMHO here are the 4 keys - Skills, Lacrosse IQ, Speed, then size. I think Size and speed may get reversed depending on the team.