Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Disagree this is a forum to do this.

What is good for one (by playing an 8th grader) is not good for the other (older player) who may derseve it more.

Be real, that is what this forum is used for to expose these things because you cant go to the schools/admins/coaches.

Blow it open here, Blaze the trail anonymously, so it doesnt happen in years to come.

Bottom line is if a kid does not deserve to be on Varsity, she should not be on Varsity because you are hurting the kid who belongs there. How can anyone argue this?

Easy, like this. Put an 8th grader on varsity and give her an edge in playing time over perhahps a more skilled and physical junior or senior. Does it make your team better on this particular day? Maybe not, but maybe the coach is concerned about making the team better three, four, five years down the road. Maybe they see something in the girl and want to spend the time developing her. Not everyone is completely concerned with winning the game in front of their nose, this may make great sense for the long term of the team. I have no knowledge of this particular situation, and it may be completely political, but you asked for a argument on the logic.
Isn't that why they have J.V. My daughter played against them And The 8th grader didn't make them any better. Isn't that why you play a girl early? because they make your team better