Originally Posted by Anonymous
DCE gets killed by FCA. I would take FCA -4. DCE is allowing 9 goals per game including allowing 5 points by team 91 (possibly the worst offense in the division). Additionaly, both teams played the Hawks FCA allowed only 6 goals whereas DCE allowed 11. In 8th grade lacrosse you score what the other team let’s you score and DCE let’s the other team score a lot.

NL narrowly beats ML. ML is the exception that proves the rule great defense but underpowered offense. This game will produce a soccer score of 3-2 (possibly in double overtime) I would not bet this game.

The other games are pretty much a lock with the top of the division playing the bottom dwellers. However, the games will be much closer than expected as I think both the Crabs and Hawks will give significant field time to their bench players.

Ultimately I don’t think any of this matters as the Hawks have a mortal lock on the championship (but let’s hope I’m wrong) End of the season prediction:

2. Crabs
3. FCA
4. NL
5. ML
7.Team 91
8. Team Money

Let’s see what happens w DCE and FCA. 2 games is not a trend for DCE— looking at their schedule, they’ve played 17 games and have only given up more than 7 goals 3x. And two of those were against top 5 teams in the country, Hawks and LE. Have seen them play a number of times, their back end defense is very legit. Something clearly gave way in the NL and Hawks games, but likely an anomaly.

Watched the ML/Crabs game this past weekend. Both teams have some talent. Crabs have one superstar at LAttack, Madlax has a good FOGO and some niece D players.

By the way, who did the Crabs lose their only game to a month ago 9-6? A motley crew of 17-18 DCE and NL kids coached by some dads. And it was a spanking. Don’t count out NL and DCE just yet. If NL handles Madlax, and I think they will, ML is the one on the outside looking in.